Tuesday, April 28, 2009

I know it has been a long time since I have posted, but not really much goes on in our lives here in west Texas. We just go to work and school. Wed did finally get some rain recently, so that was nice. Oh, and Kelli got a new washer and dryer. She has been real nice to me since. Had I known the effect it would have, I would have bought them sooner. I hope everyone stays healthy through the swine flu outbreak. Just remember, in 1976, the same thing happened, and the cure was worse than the disease. So maybe we shouldn't panic just yet.

Have a good day,


Friday, March 13, 2009

Stem Cell Advances

I mentioned in my last post about Bill Clinton's ignorance concerning embryonic stem cells, and it seems that most people probably suffer to some extent the same concerning scientific matters. I found an article on The Weekly Standard detailing a relatively new technology in stem cell research. Without getting too technical, the new technology, "induced pluripotent stem cells", "produces the biological equivalent of embryonic stem cells without creating, using or destroying any human embryos." One very important potential advantage coming to light with this technology is that it is patient specific. In other words, immune rejection is not a problem. Embryonic stem cell technology can only make this claim through cloning. Below is the link for the article. I encourage you to read it.

Wintry weather hits

I was feeling pretty lucky yesterday. It was beautiful here yesterday, while the rest of the country seemed to be locked in winter weather. Today, however, is a different story. It is 32 degrees and drizzling.

Kyler has been running track the last few weeks. He came home Monday, and told me they ran quarter miles for time. He ran an 85 second quarter, which was quite an improvement for him. He said of the experience, "you know that feeling your stomach makes right before you throw up. That's what mine did." Welcome to track and field. Wish him well.

I don't know if you heard this yesterday, but the president told a group of business execs that "things....not as bad as we think they are now." I guess charging 787 billion to our credit card is already starting to help.

Recently, in an interview with Dr. Sanjay Gupta, former president Bill Clinton talked about the issue of embryonic stem cell research. BILL CLINTON: I think -- the answer is I think that we’ll work it through. When it’s -- if it -- particularly, if it’s done right. If it’s obvious that we’re not taking embryos that can -- that under any conceivable scenario would be used for a process that would allow them to be fertilized and become little babies, and I think if it’s obvious that we’re not talking about some science fiction cloning of human beings, then I think the American people will support this. I agree with the president. As long as these embryos will never be fertilized, they should be able to use as many as they want. God help us.

Friday, March 6, 2009

Photography website

I found this website, and it has some beautiful pictures. They are all in black and white, taken in N Dakota. If you are into that sort of thing check it out. www.chuckkimmerle.com. Not much to report from West Texas. We are thankful it is Friday, and Ky is celebrating by camping in the backyard. He said he would probably come in about midnite. He's got alot of his mother in him. Hope everyone has a good weekend. Pray for rain.


Tuesday, March 3, 2009

We just got back from Nocona, after a trip to a funeral of a good friend of mine. If you knew Kevin Bailey, you knew he was a stand up guy. He was the kind of kid that your parents didn't worry about you hanging out with him. His passing sure makes you realize not to take for granted those you care about.

If you didn't hear, the past few years, global temperatures have held steady, in the face of continued increases in CO2 production. Apparently, the earth is giving us a chance to get things right, before it unleashes its fury on us. Please buy the expensive light bulbs and check your air pressure in your tires before it is too late.

Some time in the coming weeks, President Obama's tax cuts should start appearing in people's paychecks. At an average of $13/week, we should certainly some rapid improvement in the economy. I think you can buy a 12 pack of beer for 12.99. Just a suggestion.
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Monday, February 23, 2009

Just some pictures

The top pictures are some of Anna's that I scanned, (Anna, I still have your pics), I thought they were cute. The one of Anna and the cat reminds me of Olivia and the puppy. The other two are from a night training evolution we did the other evening.